The difference between Kuzumochi, Warabimochi, and Shingenmochi

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Hello、 everyone. Among Japanese sweets, there are sweets made from famous rice cakes. They are Kudzu-mochi、 Warabi-mochi, and Shingen-mochi.  Do you know the difference between these three rice cakes? This section explains the differences between the three , Let me introduce you to the recommended way to eat. 

difference between the ingredients and the way they are made

  • Kudzu-mochi :It is made by flour. Sumiyoshi Kawasaki is famous.
  • Warabi-mochi: Mix the warabi powder with water and sugar, Bring to a boil and cool.
  • Shingen-mochi: It is made of gyuuhi and mochi rice. It is sold with kuro-mitsu(brown sugar syrup) in soybean flour. Kikyoya Shingen-mochi is famous. 
    ※”Kinako” means “soy bean flour” 

About kudzu-mochi 

I always buy it when I visit Kawasaki Daishi. 

The origin of kudzu-mochi

 Although it is called Kudzu-mochi, it does not use the “kuzu”. I don’t use kudzu. It’s made of flour.

 “Kudzu-mochi” The lucky name is, It’s in the secret story of birth. In the Edo period, when the area around Kawasaki was a wheat-producing area, Around the time of the Tenpo (1830-1844) Kyubei of Daishi Kawara Village wetted the wheat flour stored in the barn by wind and rain, He was forced to knead it into a barrel, I dissolved it in water and left it alone. The following year, starvation deprived him of food, I remembered this barrel and looked at it, We found fermented starch precipitated at the bottom, I processed it and steamed it for you, Something like rice cake was made. At that moment, the lord of the Kawasaki Daishi Mountain, If you ask Takamori Koshin to taste it, and appreciated its simple and elegant taste, Kyubei’s “Ku” and, I prayed for good health and longevity with the letter “Ju” attached “Kusumochi” he said, It is said that it was recommended to spread it as a specialty of Kawasaki Daishi. This flavor is not only for worshippers but also for everyone, Many people liked it and it continues to be loved. (From Sumiyoshi’s website) 

How to eat kudzu- mochi

Eat it on the day you buy it. If you put it in the refrigerator, it will harden. Kinako and kuro-mitsu(brown sugar syrup) are included, so let’s sprinkle kuro-mitsu(brown sugar syrup) first. Sprinkle with soybean flour afterwards. : If you put the Kinako on it first, you’ll see the kuro-mitsu(brown sugar syrup).  Sprinkle Kinako later. If you add the Kinako first, the kuro-mitsu(brown sugar syrup) won’t mix with the Kinoko afterwards and will all flow to the side.

 About Warabi-mochi

 Warabi powder is a starch obtained from the root of warabi of a plant, dried and powdered. Originally, it is made from warabi powder, Warabi powder is very valuable and expensive, for general sale it is A starchy powder that is the main ingredient in bracken flour, sweet potatoes and kudzu, Something like starch is used. It is mainly sprinkled on soybean flour, but it is also characterized by various kinds of matcha and brown sugar flavor.

 About Shingen-mochi 

Shingen-mochi represents a particular product. Most of them are Kikyo-ya Shingen-mochi. It is eaten with thekuro-mitsu(brown sugar syrup) that comes with it, It’s a dish that’s hard to eat, such as soybean flour spills. I like to eat without worrying about soybean flour spills on my plate. Everyone seems to have a particular way of eating, so let’s check it out as it is introduced in various ways

